Rockstar首度回應新作問題 《 GTA 》新作現正開發中!
一直以來,不少玩家都想問Rockstar關於最新作《 GTA 6 ( Grand Theft Auto VI )》的一些新消息,但官方一直都守口如瓶,沒透露太多的相關資訊,更甚的就是官方曾談及過,美國總統特朗普下台前,也不會看到新作消息,想不到的是這位總統竟然真的下台了啊…
Many of you have been asking about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series.
With every new project, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we've previously delivered. We're pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the series is underway.
— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) February 4, 2022
日前在 Rockstar Games 的 Twitter 上,官方亦首度對這個問題作出回應,並談及了《GTA 5》是一款長壽遊戲,很感激大家支持,同時亦確認 Rockstar 正式為新作積極開發中,至於詳情方面當他們準備好後便會盡快向玩家公佈。